Senin, 26 Juli 2010

Poker Quotes - Ten of the Best by Women about Women

TEN OF THE BEST POKER QUOTES - by Women about Women

as chosen by Colin M Jarman aka The Quotable Poker Player

Leah Bochan's excellent The Badass Girl's Guide to Poker quotes Annie Duke as saying “Poker is one of the only sports where a woman can compete on totally equal footing with a man, so I don’t understand why there’s a ladies-only tournament.”

Let's hope that Annie does not take offence at a ladies-only Top Ten list of Poker Quotations.

To double the female fun, the following great sayings are also female-themed poker quotations. Just to show how astute Annie can be, this Ten of the Best Female Poker Quotations starts with another Duke offering ...

“To emphasize your femininity, giggle girlishly when you win pots. Check-raise them at every opportunity. Show them your bluffs. They already don’t like you. Why not completely piss them off? … It worked for me.”
Annie Duke, How I Raised, Folded, Bluffed, Flirted, Cursed and Won Millions (2005)

“Every guy plays like he’s hard up with a hard on. I’ve seen them do the stupidest things at the poker table. They are just too pig-headed to think that anybody ever has them beat. Women are much more clear-headed.”
Angelica Stark

“I hate to see that chauvinistic B.S. where men think women belong in the kitchen. Some men have asked what I was doing at the table, and I’d say, ‘Well, I already washed the floors, did the laundry and cleaned the house, and I have nothing to do but play poker.’ I’ve said this a million times: It doesn’t take much strength to lift up two cards.”
Jennifer Harman in USA Today (2007)

“Women can play poker because anyone who can fake an orgasm can raise on a pair of deuces.”
Grace Kelly [Brett Butler] on Grace Under Fire

“First impressions can make or break you at the poker table. Even in an over-conditioned Las Vegas casino, shorts and a Celine Dion T-shirt, don’t exactly say 'I know what I’m doing here,' they scream, 'Take me!' ”
Nicola Copping in The Times (2006)

“The bottom line is you better win, or you’re going to have your critics that say the only reason why you got there is because you’re good-looking, that you can’t play a lick of poker. Any time that you are attractive and a woman, you better win. You better win.”
Clonie Gowan in The Dallas Observer (2004)

“Any attractive woman who wins a poker tournament can usually find a sponsor within the next 24 hours.”
Isabelle Mercier (2007)

"It’s easy to tease as you raise and flash a coy smile as you call. Flirting goes with poker like ice cream goes with pie - both are good on their own, but much more delicious together."
Leah Bochan in The Badass Girl’s Guide to Poker (2005)

"Women really do play differently from men - they’re chatty, they tease and brag at hands, and even the best of them can be sore losers. Another thing - they’re painfully ruthless."
Melanie McFarland in The Seattle Post-Intelligencer (2003)

“I believe it is probably true that women on the whole are not inclined to discipline their playing according to a scientific law of averages. Speaking of myself, I find that the incomparable advantage of playing by instinct is that no one else has the slightest idea what I am likely to do or why.”
Barbara Tuchman

The “Ten of the Best Poker Quotes” Lists are compiled by
Colin M Jarman aka The Quotable Poker Player 

 If you have any female on female poker quitations you would like to share, please post your female poker quote (and any sources where known) in the comments box below.

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